Posts in Personal Leadership
Boss Yourself and Pass on the Putz

And it’s not surprising that people are choosing to hustle or gig work versus working for a traditional employer.

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Apply the 3 H’s and Unboss a Little

When a person comes to you and is emotionally upset, ask the following: Do you want to be helped, heard or “hugged?”

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The Chimera Age of Work? Huh?

Regardless of your stage in life and work however, if you haven’t yet, get yourself involved with the AI Chat GBT technology. It won’t wait for you, and if you can’t integrate and co-create with AI you certainly won’t evolve into the chimera stage (or whatever it becomes known as).

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Staying Because of Friends

So here it is: People stay at work and contribute better/longer because of their friends.

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Rubis ‘What’s Going On at Work?’ Quiz

See how you do on this quiz that covers a few current work issues. Are you up to date on these? See the bottom of the blog for the answers.

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Who Are You REALLY at Work?

I’ve been through them all. I’ve probably taken most tests, or a battery of questionnaires related to behavior/attitudes/mindset, in work and life.

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Shhh: Quiet Quitting, Hiring and Firing

Let’s face it, during the Covid hiring blitz, particularly in the tech sector, some employees became entitled.

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C-Suite as Misery Makers?

Why would Nintendo do this with a 20 percent drop in revenue, when many other companies in similar situations went the mass layoff route?

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Your ChatBot Makes Inappropriate Comments!

Who is programming these bots? Under what guidelines? If the aim is to ultimately sell more advertising under the guise of being free, it makes me nervous.

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Combating the Loneliness Factory

Ongoing loneliness raises a person’s odds of death by 26 percent in any given year.

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Team Pulse Check with Action Triggers

How do we then keep track of a stable team’s effectiveness in a timely way (let’s say, weekly)?

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A 20 Year Contribution Comes With a Face Slap

When companies act like many of the technology firms have recently regarding layoffs, their behavior disgusts me.

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‘Those Who Keep Learning Keep Rising’

The more we know, the better choices we make. This includes making the space to think, to ponder, to study, to create well-informed hypotheses and principles for living.

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‘Five Little Indians’ and my MBA Class

I believe you cannot be an impactful, constructive leader in 2023 and beyond, without being fully immersed and evolved on issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). You need DEIB experts around you for enlightened guidance.

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The Continuing Remote Work Fight

For most executives, or financially successful entrepreneurs, it’s been years since they’ve lived like their average employees. Many have lost touch with the complexity, struggles and exhaustion of everyday life.

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Will Your 2023 Be Your 2022 Warmed Over?

Honestly, how would you rate 2022 for yourself?

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Holiday Buffet: What’s Your ‘Junk vs. Healthy’ Score in 2022?

In 2022 did you become healthier or not? By how much? Less?

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Wild World of Work in 2023?

The workplace is just friggin’ weird right now.

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What the Heck is Career Cushioning?

Career cushioning is one of those new age terms that labels an old age practice.

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Thanksgiving and the ‘Thank You’ Tip Jar

Do I say “thank you” enough to all that put something in my metaphorical or literal tip jar everyday? Probably not.

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