Lead In With Lorne - Say Something Dumb in a Zoom Meeting? Oops! Now What?

Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne. So, how’d that Zoom meeting go?

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Lead In With Lorne - Hey, Are You Curious?

Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne. Just wondering, how curious are you?

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Lead In With Lorne - When Was The Last Time You Had Fun?

Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne. When was the last time you had fun?

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Lead In With Lorne - Remember There’s No Tone in Text

Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne. As we continue to use text as a main way to communicate, remember these tips.

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Lead in With Lorne - How Chris Stapleton ‘Starting Over’ Inspires a 70-Year-Old

Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne. Here’s how Chris Stapleton’s “Starting Over” inspires a 70-year-old like me.

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Lead In With Lorne - The Least Thanked Person on Thanksgiving?

Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne. You know who you’re grateful for, but who are you overlooking?

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Lead In With Lorne - Reach Out to Someone You Typically Wouldn’t

Welcome to another Lead In WIth Lorne. This week, reach out to someone you typically wouldn't.

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Lead In With Lorne - Nudges and Affirmations

Nudges and affirmations. Involve yourself to learn what we’re talking about.

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Lead In With Lorne - How Personal Notes Belong in Business

Do you personally connect with your colleagues? This week, take some time to do so.

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Lead In With Lorne - The Best Strategy to Get All to Participate in Meetings

Do all of your team members participate in every single meeting? If not, why?

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Lead In With Lorne - The Power of Asking For Help

Do you think you can ask someone for help this week?

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Lead In With Lorne - Deliver Notes of Confidence and Encouragement

You have no idea what a note of confidence and encouragement can mean.

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Lead In With Lorne - False Expectations Appearing Real

This week, hear this funny story about False Expectations Appearing Real during a bike ride. Don’t let fear overwhelm you.

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Lead In With Lorne - The Value of Vacation

This week, I’m officially turning off. It’s vacation time for a short while. While that means I get to wear my Hawaiian shirts, it’s also for me to rejuvenate and find new value when I return.

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Lead in With Lorne - The Make Your Team Laugh Challenge

This week, I have a challenge for you. Send your team something that will make everyone laugh. Really laugh, not just crack a smile, but laugh out loud. Of course humor is subjective, but do your best!

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Lead In With Lorne - A Fun Quiz: How Adaptable Are You?

I’m conducting a quiz via podcast, asking how adaptable you think you are. With a little influence from a Fortune magazine article, here are 13 questions you can ask yourself to rate how adaptable you are from 1 (not) to 10 (champ). Play along!

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Lead In With Lorne - How Might I Help You More?

Here’s a question for you, how might I help you more? It’s a question that apparently isn’t asked very often. Here are my thoughts about it.

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Lead In With Lorne - Two Ways to Help the Mental Exhaustion/Manage Energy

This week, we’re talking about how there’s a lot of mental exhaustion out there, and here are two ways that we all can help combat it in the workplace.

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Lead In With Lorne - Why 30 Years Later I’ve Painted in My Daruma

Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne. This week, after 30 years, I’ve painted in the left eye of my Daruma. I’ll tell you all about why.

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Lead In With Lorne - Being a Chief Mistake Officer

Welcome to another Lead In With Lorne. Here’s what happened when I decided to change my Zoom title to “Chief Mistake Officer.” Here’s also what we can learn about it.

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