Posts tagged Hilton Barbour
Please Allow ME to Be Key to WE

Contrary to common slogans thrown around, I contend that there actually is an I in Team, and Me is vital to We.

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The (Last) Pathetic Big Boss Power Play

Bosses that somehow think remote work diminishes collaboration and culture are feeding us a load of crap.

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Facing the Bear

Canadians like to hold their nose, and self-righteously point their fingers at Americans on matters related to racism. The fact is, Canadians are as racist and frankly, stupid on the matter as many south of our border.

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Do Organizations Need a BIG Infrastructure Investment?

No bridge means no connection between thousands of people daily. I believe organizations need to invest in overhauling their metaphorical bridges, too.

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Basecamp Lesson for Culture Leaders

Basecamp, the renowned, remote based company that ironically makes team collaboration software, recently had almost one third of company employees accept a buyout to leave. Why?

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Name It Rather Than Numb It!

What are the chronic, repetitive problems? When you hear things like: “Oh that’s always been a problem here,” or “that’s just the way it is in our business,” or “that’s par for the course in this company,” one has to question whether there is a real commitment to learning and innovation. I see repeat problems in organizations as an indication that leaders are either unwilling, or incapable, of changing things for the better.

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Resume Virtues Versus Eulogy Virtues, Which Are You Building?

Those of us in formal leadership roles have a unique privilege to deeply care about the people around us, which includes challenging them to grow. We have the opportunity to add a few more lines on that tombstone. With you and me as leaders, what will they be about?

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