Name It Rather Than Numb It!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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What It’s About: When I work with organizations in any way, I like to assess what issues are on repeat. What are the chronic, repetitive problems? When you hear things like:  “Oh that’s always been a problem here,” or “that’s just the way it is in our business,” or “that’s par for the course in this company,” one has to question whether there is a real commitment to learning and innovation. I see repeat problems in organizations as an indication that leaders are either unwilling, or incapable, of changing things for the better.

So What?: If you want to have an innovative, learning company, everyone needs to have a growth and disruptive mindset. Why? At the highest, most serious level, chronic problems can invite major competitive disruption. As an example, Uber was created because customers got tired of cabs being unreliable. Taxi companies knew it was a major problem, but arrogance, laziness (or both) resulted in the emergence of a ride share category, which cost the taxi business billions in lost revenues. On a smaller dimension, repetitive problems invite fatigue, lethargy and even some level of feeling helpless. 

Now What?: Take an inventory of the problems which you carry around like a backpack full of bricks, and decide if you really want to change them or not. This is easier said than done. However, it’s similar to a thoughtful mental health campaign underway, where the call to action is “name it rather than numb it.” Name that chronic issue, and take steps to change it. You have to think and act differently. This applies to individuals, teams and/or organizations. Please don’t complain about repetitive problems, or give excuses in explaining them away. Admit you don’t know what to do about it, or it’s not really that important. However, if you can name and take constructive action on it, forward progress will demonstrate that you believe in learning, innovation and change.

Think Big, Start Small, Act Now, 

- Lorne

One Millennial View: It would be great if everybody, at all levels, in today’s workplace, would be able to help name issues in a psychologically safe environment.

- Garrett