Please Allow ME to Be Key to WE


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Belongify is here! Check out the new website, and let us know what you think!

What It’s About: Contrary to common slogans thrown around, I contend that there actually is an I in Team, and Me is vital to We. One of the reasons I started our new company, Belongify, is based on what I believe is missing in many organizations right now. Focusing on the individual. Why are many institutions shying away from the attention required for EACH person in organizations? 

So What?: I challenge leaders NOT to think of people as an “asset,” “human capital” or a “resource.” We humans are better considered as THE source to what, and how things get done. Ultimately, how much an organization thrives, depends on a culture where the   humans involved are contributing their very personal best as the SOURCE. 

I’m not talking about selfish, or worse, narcissistic behavior, where a person always looks after themselves first at another's expense. That way of working and thinking is dysfunctional and not sustainable. I’m emphasizing the importance of creating conditions and expectations allowing for the best possible effort and contribution at an individual level. When people bring their best effort daily, and continue to become masterful at what they do, the desired results normally follow.

Now What?: Make sure every person who works in your group or organization, regardless of how big or small it is, is personally seen. And invite/expect people to show up so that they can be seen. Ensure they are appreciated as sources of all that happens to achieve the desired results. Being people first is the foundation. Each person is the building block. 

Think big, start small, act now, 

- Lorne 

One Millennial View: I’m all for recognizing as much individualism as possible in organizations. Why doesn’t this happen as much? My first guess is because it takes more work. It’s so much easier to lump people together. However, teams are composed of individuals who possess unique talents that should be recognized. Organizations can benefit from doing the homework to pinpoint what those are, and which person they specifically belong to. 

- Garrett 

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis